Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I like to accomplish what I set out to do. Who doesn't? Who wants to do something half way? or Half hearted? Not me. Honestly I find it very, hmm, exciting, even "sexy" about setting a goal and acheiving it. Twealve pounds. I know there where days in my past where I likely could have fluctuated nearly that much in a day.... nearly. Twealve pounds stands between me and the goal.

I am starting to foget what it was like to carry the burden of extra weight. My mind and body are rebuilding in ways that before this process I didn't even notice. Didn't notice because I could NOT see my body. I was blind from the self-destructive actions of abusing myself.

Mind, Body, Spirit. They are interwoven and when one is out of balance how can it not affect the others?

Here is a photo from last Friday, Kara and I attended the Shinedown concert at the Alaska State Fair. It was an Amazing day, what likely was the last day of Summer in many ways... Before Kara arrived in Alaska, she too had been on a weight loss journey losing 100lbs herself, so we are both very happy to be looking fine, hanging with the band.

When your not living what you dream, if your not full of everything you desire, set a goal to change it. Whatever that is, its not weight for everyone, so whatever your area in life you wish to improve or radically change, the power to do so is inside you. I believe it, and I am living it.


  1. You rock my world with inspiration. I have never seen you so on fire. I love it brother, love it love it love it. WAY TO GO! My biggest hugs and congratulations. Ever onward. Living the dream!


  2. Thank you White Eagle. I am the best me yet.

  3. You both look fantastic. I can only imagine that you feel just as good!
