Monday, March 15, 2010

Pants on the Ground!

My pants are falling down and its not cause I'm all into a certain look or type of music. Yep, my pants are on the ground, can't keep'em up. I had to take drastic steps today and buy a new pair of pants, 2 sizes smaller than anything I owned. When I started the journey all my pants were size 54 waist, today I bought 50. 4in, unoffically of course, it feels great to wear smaller clothes. Tomorrow is day 28 weigh in at 7:45, I'll have a new blog up after weigh in with the current results. My goal for tomorrow is to be under what is considered "Morbidly Obese" for my size.

I am so Thankful for Alaska Premier Health and Body ReNew and all of you for supporting my new life.


  1. Glad to hear you are getting healthy, and losing the weight. Just wondering how is your cravings for the food is going. That is my problem everything that taste good i want to eat it. I know self control, but that gets hard sometimes. How are you managing the cravings and what do you do to stay away from the bad food?

  2. Great planning and self control. Wonderful determination, as well. Every yr I go to the State Fair with similar determination, and fail miserably every time. I can imagine your temptations this past weekend were the same... Way to stay committed to the plan, and now your hard work rewards you with tangible evidence. How nice to need new pants!!! I like Jason's questions, I look forward to your answers. Keep up the excellent work. :)

  3. Two pants sizes? You rock Bradley James. I'm anxious to hear about the weigh in, but sometimes how you feel and how your clothes fit is more motivating than the number of pounds lost.

    Keep it up! All of Minnesota is cheering you on. Hear it??

  4. Thanks for the comments and support. So how do I avoid cravings? great question cause I have cravings for sure. In fact the last week or so I have really wanted a Cheeseburger. Funny, I like Cheeseburgers, but they are not my FAV thing so its kinda funny that this is like my fixation...

    how do it avoid? Well I just don't do it. Will power because I had got to the point where it REALLY mattered. Morbidly Obese. What a horrid 'label' to have. MORBID is not a good thing. Here is what says about Morbid:

    suggesting an unhealthy mental state or attitude; unwholesomely gloomy, sensitive, extreme, etc.: a morbid interest in death.
    affected by, caused by, causing, or characteristic of disease.
    pertaining to diseased parts: morbid anatomy.
    gruesome; grisly.

    Hmm, I do not wish to be identified with ANY OF THESE. I have a lot of stuff that I want to do, to accomplish and being MORBID isn't going to help me reach that level of success.

    So this is a HUGE motivator for me. The other thing going for me is that under medical supervision I am on a prescribed appetite suppressant. This helps with evening cravings, this is my weakest time.

    Plus, since starting the program my stomach has already shrunk so I can't eat as much at one sitting. Coupled with always trying to bring some Veggies with to eat should i get into a spot.

    I'll leave you with this quote from Henry Ford: "If you believe you can do a thing, or not, you are right."

    at every moment, a choice.
