Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How does it feel?

How does it feel to weigh 27lbs less then just a month ago? Let me tell you, it feels AWESOME. This morning at the weekly weigh in at Alaska Premier Health my new friend, Mr. Scale, reported a very svelte 313, down from a starting weight of 340. WOW !!!!!

Frankly, it is hard to contain my excitement over the progress and overall easy of doing this. Not to bash myself, yet when I look back and see how simple the right choice toward Health can be I do question what took so long? the Good news is that it does not matter why, what matters is that I am doing it now. I can't change my past actions, or inaction, I can change the present course and am doing this.

Additionally, this week I will take a big step up at Body ReNew. Michele has asked me to arrive 20mins early and complete warm ups on my own, so that the time working with her is focused on weight and core training. It feels so good to get into the Gym and work out. Now that my body is passed the initial soreness that can occur from a long time of inactivity, the workouts are powerful. It feels good to lean into the weights and move them by force. The time has come for me to put the Hurt on the weights, not the other way around.

I have added a picture of me playing at Humpy's last night with the Rebuttals, the band I'm in. For those that know me, you'll see a clear differance. BTW, the shirt that I am wearing in the picture, I have not worn in 10years. Fits now better then it ever did.


  1. Right on...I'm off to see Mr. Scale today at APH.

  2. You look awesome. And I'll bet that it's even easier to rock out hardcore without all that weight! Just think of how you'll be able to rock when you're down to your goal weight!!! And then you'd better come back to L.A. and play again - and I'll be there cheering you on! =)

  3. Keep it up! Keep it up! Keep it up!
